TONYC Festival 2023

Join us in celebrating 11 years of TONYC!

Join us for our first-ever donation-optional TONYC Festival, September 28th-30th at Theaterlab in Manhattan (357 W 36th St)! Here's your chance to learn more about our work, connect with other T.O.-curious folks, and help us celebrate everything we've achieved since our founding over a decade ago. We're bringing you Troupe performances, a workshop, a panel, food, games, community, and more. Space is limited — register NOW for any and all events in our lineup below! We're proud to present this festival as a result of TONYC's 2022 participatory budgeting process.

Please note: This event is in-person only.

Update as of Saturday, September 30, 12:30pm ET: TONYC will proceed with Saturday's scheduled festival lineup. See you there!

El sábado, todos los actos contarán con traducción al español in situ.

On Saturday, Spanish translation will be provided onsite for all events.

Festival schedule:

Thursday, September 28th:

7pm - 8:30pm: Troupe Performance: Escucha: El Espejismo Americano

Friday, September 29th:

1 - 4pm: POSTPONED: Registration-Only Workshop: “Answering the Call,” led by TONYC's Director of Training and Pedagogy, Liz Morgan

7 - 8:30pm: CANCELLED: Troupe Performance: Rapid Response: Scenes from 1-800-Keep-Ur-Crib

Saturday, September 30th (full-day onsite Spanish translation provided):

2pm - 3:30pm: T.O. Talk: Praxis Makes Perfect

4 - 5:30pm: Game Changers Gathering

6 - 7:30pm: Celebration

Can't get enough TONYC? Join us for our October "Branch Out" workshops, back by popular demand!

Festival photo/video disclaimer: Theatre of the Oppressed NYC reserves the right to use any photos and/or videos taken at this event. TONYC also reserves the right to use any photos and/or videos without the written permission of those included within the image or recording. Photos and videos may be media-produced, used, or contracted by TONYC. This includes but is not limited to websites, social media, blogs, presentations, and other TONYC materials. Any person attending who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer/videographer and event staff.

Festival COVID policy: For the safety of our actors, facilitators, staff, and panelists, this event requires masks for all audience members and participants. Masks and hand sanitizer will be provided. For the Celebration portion of the event, please complete a rapid antigen or PCR test within 24 hours before removing your mask to eat and drink. Please bring a timestamped photo of your negative test result. If needed, tests can be provided onsite.

Want to bring a group? Want to sponsor this festival?
Email Max at!

TONYC thanks our host, TLab Shares.