They Felt Our Excitement
Nov. 06, 2013This is part two of our series of actors' personal experiences. This comes from an actor, remembering his experience of performing 'The Housing Circus'.
'A highlight for me was at the "Word Up Bookstore where we performed uptown to an audience that was some made up of some people of color and some other folks but the kids...WOW!! These three boys and two girls all looked under thirteen. They felt our excitement! The performers and sound folk crunched in the corner to prepare for lights up and they all sat still for the most part, mesmerised when the clown of “Housing Circus” appeared, they squealed with the clown squeezed his red nose and his horn. They were anxious to get on stage when we were finished and of course we wanted to support budding young creativity. It was never "I wanna go" or "this show was boring" they actually felt our show.'
Follow this link to see the more photos of the troupe in action: