NowThis Spotlights TONYC

Oct. 17, 2016

NowThis spotlights TONYC in a video feature posted to Facebook on October 16th.

The video explains TONYC as a "group [that] uses theater to expose real life stories of oppression and spark change in their communities, [working] with social services to create plays and explore complex issues like stigma of HIV, criminal justice, homelessness, and transgender health care. The play will tour around New York City to shed light on the problem and hopefully bring solutions. Anyone can act in the play and it's free to the public. They've helped change policies after local lawmakers saw their plays."

Katy Rubin, Executive Director of TONYC, offers this: "In the theater, when you present a play, the audience really has a feeling, an emotional reaction to a problem, and they think about how's that personal to them."

London Gray, a trans forum theatre actress, concludes that "people are still ignorant, and we are trying to stop the ignorance and make them become something better and maybe help everyone else that is going through the situations."

Watch the video here.