Vote on the 2017 Legislative Theatre Policy Proposals

The 2017 Legislative Theatre Festival covered topics ranging from immigrant and labor rights, healthcare, cultural equity and access for low-income New Yorkers, and gun violence and the school-to-prison pipeline. Read through the proposals from each event and vote on the ones you'd like TONYC and our community partners to take forward to City Council members and city and state agencies who participated in the festival. Some of these ideas are already in motion and some are brand new! TONYC will keep festival attendees and voters up to date on the progress of these proposals. Edits may be made to the wording of proposals to better reflect the nuances and intricacies of these ideas. 

There is a comment box at the end of the survey, and you can join our mailing list to stay tuned for next steps! Thank you! #WatchActVote

Did you attend the 2017 Legislative Theatre Festival? If so, which date?