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Now Published: The Participation Playbook
Liz Morgan (TONYC's Director of Training & Pedagogy) and Katy Rubin (TONYC's Founder & Former Executive Director) contributed to the Participation Playbook, an interactive guide designed to help advocates, policymakers, and program managers navigate the challenges of planning and implementing participatory democracy programs. Liz and Katy both contributed to the Legislative theater section of the Playbook.
Learn more and explore the Playbook here.

"The Wildcard Workbook" in the Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Journal!
We're in Volume 7 of the Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Journal! This short article by Katy Rubin (TONYC's Founder & Former Executive Director), Liz Morgan (TONYC's Director of Training & Pedagogy), and Sulu LeoNimm (TONYC's Executive Director) introduces The Wildcard Workbook and discusses the journey to translating the core ethics of Theatre of the Oppressed into a resource for all kinds of facilitators. It also reflects on TONYC's collaboration process and the ways the workbook may be useful for practitioners.
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Our 2022 in Review
As we slow down to make space for a break, we’re reflecting on all we accomplished together in 2022. The past two years pushed us to experiment with how we stay connected and share our work. Like in our shows, we tried to harness everything we learned with each “intervention” and put that learning into action.
Here’s some of what blossomed in the past 12 months! Help us with the next 12 — donate today!
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WATCH Ep.1 Rapid Response's 1-800-KEEP-UR-CRIB
Welcome! The Rapid Response Troupe invites you to be a Spect-Actor for our newest production, 1-800-Keep-Ur-Crib. We’re excited to have you participate from wherever you are!
Step 1: Watch the video on this page
Step 2: Send us back your thoughts!
Step 3: Share this email with other people who have been struggling to keep their apartment!
The Rapid Response Actors will read what all of you send, and use that to create more scenes for 1-800-Keep-Ur-Crib to share with an in-person audience on December 1. RSVP if you want to join us.
Thank you from: Amorarey Carolyn Cat Gariyana. Letitia Liz Majory Maria Sulu
The government says the pandemic is over and now your landlord wants the rent you owe or else! After years of paying off THEIR mortgage, you’re about to lose YOUR home! Rapid Response Troupe brings to you 1-800-KEEP-UR-CRIB, an episodic forum accessible for viewing on our website, for audiences in NYC and beyond. Watch and share your tenant rights idea, then stay tuned for the final chapter at our live show at The Bernie Wohl Center on December 1st

Introducing the Wildcard Workbook
There are so many wonderful books about Theatre of the Oppressed out there. However, on our practice we wished for a book we couldn’t yet find: a truly accessible, visual, and interactive guide that could prepare us to work with a community in real-time. A book we could write in, rip pages from, and use over and over again. So we wrote it! The Wildcard Workbook: A Practical Guide for Jokering Forum Theatre is a +200 page illustrated interactive guide to support creative advocacy and role play facilitation in various contexts. Included is a week-by-week guide, flow charts, games, stories, and more! We hope you'll scribble in the margins, tear out the pages, and challenge the ideas within, on your way to using embodied play and imagination toward social action! Written by Sulu LeoNimm, Elizabeth Morgan, and Katy Rubin. Created in collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) and design by Shreyas R Krishnan and Kruttika Susarla of SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT. Made with financial support from the New York Community Trust.
Download the book for FREE here!
To introduce the book to our community, we're hosting two events on July 28, 2022. Please join us! See the following links for details.
- 1pm - 2pm on Zoom: Meet the Wildcard Workbook. A online preview of the creation and possible uses for the workbook (RSVP)
- 5pm - 7pm in Battery Park: A Toast to the Authors! A Happy Hour celebration