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Twenty twenty-one, take a look...
December 22, 2021, A message from Sulu - We’re entering the time of the year for collective reflection. Personally, it’s taking some effort to remember what season it is, so I appreciate looking back over TONYC’s calendar and reconnecting the dots between what we did at TONYC, when we did it, and how we learned along the way. I know our community may be part of one show or workshop, so I’m excited to share a glimpse of what our jokers and actors built and shared this year.
Read moreRelief Fund 2021 / Fondo de Ayuda 2021
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC announces a $50,000 Relief Fund in support of our Actor and Joker community during this extraordinary time. All eligible applicants will receive support through this fund through what will hopefully be a quick and simple process.
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC se complace en anunciar un Fondo de Ayuda de $50,000 dedicado a apoyar a nuestra comunidad de actores y Jokers durante estos tiempos tan extraordinarios. Todos los solicitantes que cumplan los requisitos recibirán apoyo de este fondo. Esperamos que sea un proceso rápido y no invasivo. ¡Sigue leyendo aqui!
Read moreTONYC Relief Fund 2020 / Fondo de Ayuda TONYC 2020
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC is thrilled to announce a $50,000 Relief Fund in support of our Actor and Joker community during this extraordinary time. All eligible applicants will receive support through this fund through what will hopefully be a quick and un-invasive process.
Theatre of the Oppressed NYC se complace en anunciar un Fondo de Ayuda de $50,000 dedicado a apoyar a nuestra comunidad de actores y Jokers durante estos tiempos tan extraordinarios. Todos los solicitantes que cumplan los requisitos recibirán apoyo de este fondo. Esperamos que sea un proceso rápido y no invasivo. ¡Sigue leyendo aqui!
Read moreWe must take action
Today, we honor the momentous outrage in our city, as the police continue to end Black lives. We are torn between wanting to hold space for Black grief while simultaneously being called to urgent action. We look back on a week of protest, organizing, days of reckoning and statements of solidarity. As we engage the many tactics to disassemble white supremacy, we have a task today: to ensure concrete change in response to the discriminatory and abusive policing by the NYPD.
We call on New Yorkers to take action. Here's some steps:
Read moreSpring Resources from Philip
Spring Resources!
Whether you're looking for funding to make up for lost income due to COVID-19, to help cover personal emergency expenses, or to jump start your artistic projects and business ventures, grant writing is a great place to find support! On this blog post, you'll find some quick tips for grant writing that may help you on your search for funding, as well as a few places where you can start looking for grants to apply to.
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